If you missed Dr. Fitzpatrick 's Teacher Cadet to Superintendent first episode, watch now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWal7iC9HFM
Join Meredith Danztler, CERRA’s Pre-Collegiate Program Director, as she shares Dr. Fitzpatrick’s inspiring journey from Teacher Cadet to Lancaster County School District Superintendent.
The special three-part video series will premiere every Thursday night at 7:00, starting on September 12th, and will run through October 3rd, on CERRA’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages.
#CommUNITY #LancasterPromiseNeighborhood #USCL
SOPHOMORES, your PSAT is coming up on October 23, 2024. Mark your calendar now for this date, and you will receive more detailed information at the beginning of October.
JUNIORS, if you are interested in registering for the PSAT October 23 as a qualifier for the National Merit Scholar Qualifying Test program, email Dr. McManus, stephanie.mcmanus@lcsd.k12.sc.us , the testing coordinator for ILHS. The deadline to request registration is September 20 at 5:00 p.m. There is a test fee of $18.00 required to take the National Merit test. Space is limited, so if you are interested, act quickly to secure a spot.
UPDATE: PSAT available slots for Juniors have been filled. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, please email Dr. McManus, the testing coordinator for ILHS, to share that you are interested in being notified if a space becomes available. Notification may not occur until the morning of the PSAT on October 23 and we will take a first-come, first-served approach to filling any spots that open from the waiting list.
Warrior University presents a night with Representative Brandon Guffey, Gavin’s dad.
Come hear the importance of Gavin’s Law. Every SC school is now mandated to teach Gavin’s Law. Every student is at risk. 1 in 17 students has already been a victim of sextortion.
Learn how you can prevent it from happening, and what to do if it does.
Monday, November 18, 2024, at 6 p.m.
Indian Land High School Auditorium
Give yourself time to get through the metal detectors.
FREE Band performance! ILHS Warrior Marching Band performs for the community on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at 3:30 pm at the ILHS football stadium. Weather permitting
If you missed Dr. Fitzpatrick 's Teacher Cadet to Superintendent first episode, watch now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aGXMmv_pDk
Join Meredith Danztler, CERRA’s Pre-Collegiate Program Director, as she shares Dr. Fitzpatrick’s inspiring journey from Teacher Cadet to Lancaster County School District Superintendent.
The special three-part video series will premiere every Thursday night at 7:00, starting on September 12th, and will run through October 3rd, on CERRA’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages.
We are excited for the sports seasons and after-school activities to be underway. Lancaster County School District places safety for students, staff, and community members as a priority. Please join us in keeping our campuses and facilities safe.
First and foremost, we expect every visitor to our activities to be respectful toward the athletes, thespians, band members, staff, administrators, other guests, and law enforcement partners working at our events.
All guests to our district events are required to adhere to our Clear Bag Policy. When guests come to our facilities, they will not be permitted into the activities with any bag other than a clear bag. The bags also may not be larger than 12 by 12 inches and 6 inches deep. For more information. click on the Clear Bag Policy.
Weapons are not permitted on school property – including during sporting events, forums, and arts performances - unless you are a sworn law enforcement officer permitted to carry with proper identification. Our Safety and Security team will be working entrances to many of our events to screen guests for weapons.
Entry to District Events
This year we have revised our entry guidelines for school events to promote a safer environment for our community.
Anyone under the age of 18 not currently enrolled in school must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or responsible adult.
Elementary and middle school students must have an adult accompany them at events. No elementary and middle school students will be permitted to stay unaccompanied.
Guests to our events will not be allowed to stand, congregate, or “hang out” in the concourse or around the concession stand areas during events.
Any violation of rules may result in removal or being trespassed.
Our safety and security team will continue collaborating with the Lancaster Police Department and Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office to ensure everyone can feel comfortable and safe in our facilities.
*This applies to all events open to the public. This does not apply to internal school events that are not open to the public such as prom, dances, club/organization activities
Updated 9/11/24
We will begin Attendance Recovery this week. Tuesday, 9/10, Wednesday, 9/11, and Thursday, 9/12 after school from 4:15 pm - 6:15 pm. We will also offer Attendance Recovery on Saturday, 9/14 from 8 am - 2 pm.
Seniors! It is IGP time! The counseling department, through our newly named Warrior University, is hosting an IGP Workshop to help you prepare for IGP meetings coming up soon! Since we know you are not all on campus everyday, we will have two daytime sessions for students to choose from and an evening session for parents/guardians/families to attend. Seniors, please join us for one of the daytime sessions- either Monday, September 9th at 9 a.m. in the auditorium or Thursday, September 12th at 2:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Parents/Guardians/Families of seniors may attend Thursday, September 12th at 6 p.m. in the auditorium. We will cover what you need to know as a senior!
For SENIORS, any senior who has not yet signed up for the SAT Fall administration here at school, you still have a few days. Please let our testing coordinator know by September 4, 2024, so that you can be added to the list of test takers for the October in-school test. Direct any questions to Stephanie.McManus@lcsd.k12.sc.us - ILHS testing coordinator
Save the date Wednesday, 9/4/2024 is picture day. Cady.com/portraits
Tuesday, September 10 will be our annual ILHS College Application Day. This event will be for Seniors only and held during first and second block. Please be on the lookout for a Google Form that has a sign in sheet for Seniors to sign up for the time that they would like to have. If they go to the session during 1st block , they do not need to go during 2nd block. Please bring a chrome book and make sure that it is fully charged during the event so that you may apply to colleges that you are interested in.
Please feel free to email , Mr. Austin, if you have any questions!
learn more about the Service Academy Nomination Process at Congressman Russell Fry’s Service Academy Day. View the invitation below and copy the link to register for the event.
Link: https://airtable.com/appKz1wxud3qXPfys/shr3y7XfTZh6XgqWM
All Seniors who have a modified schedule this semester (taking less than 4 classes in person on campus at ILHS ) must complete the form on the link to see if they are eligible for a Work Based Learning Experience.
Please return to Mrs. King at marisa.king@lcsd.k12.sc.us no later than Friday, August 30th.
Paper copies are available in the counseling office.
Join us for Community Forums this fall.
View the Lancaster County School District Staff Welcome Back Celebration
View 2024-2025 Back to School
This email is addressed to any Indian Land High School student who may be taking Dual Enrollment courses in the Fall Semester.
ASAP TODAY, please look at your 1st semester schedule in PowerSchool and be sure that all of the Dual Enrollment college courses that you are taking are showing up on your 1st-semester schedule in PowerSchool. If they are not, then resend a copy of your college schedule to your assigned school counselor TODAY. The counselor assignments are listed below.
This needs to be done TODAY to make sure that the assigned counselors know what Dual Enrollment courses students are taking in the Fall Term.
Friday, August 13, 2024 is the last day to change classes!
There is limited availability in all classes. Students must reach out to their counselor via email.